Advanced Page

This is a demo of an Advanced Page and its available components.

Content Left

Content Left

This is an example of a page with main content on ...

Content Right

Content Right

This is an example of a page with main content on ...

Content Center (Navigation Right)

Content Center (Nav Right)

This is an example of a page with main content in ...

Content Center (Navigation Left)

Content Center (Nav Left)

This is an example of a page with main content in ...

Content Full Width

Content Full Width

This is an example of a page with content spanning ...

Exercise on referral

Some Local Authority Public Health teams commission free exercise on referral programmes. Exercise on referral programmes are designed for inactive adults, they tend to be beneficial to adults who are overweight. If you have type 2 or type 1 diabetes this free programme may be the confidence boost you need to get going. 

Tried and tested programmes, easy to join